
Cloud-zoom.css download.smurfy/cloud-zoom

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Cloud-zoom.css download.jQuery Zoom Plugins

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There are many image zoom JavaScript libraries available online. Some of them are very light-weight and easy to implement, while others have much more advanced functionalities and require jQuery or other JS frameworks in your website that you might already be using.

But, if you had the budget, which one would you use? What criteria will you use to select the best one for your web application? In this post you will find the 10 best jQuery and Pure JavaScript Image Zoom plugins that enables your visitors to enlarge images within your document in an elegant way.

I hope you like it. Originally Published Dec 17 , up date d Jan 16 Number of milliseconds of mouse easing movement of zoom image. Specifies position of zoom window. Allows you to fine tune horizontal position of zoom. Allows you to fine tune vertical position of zoom.

Defines the rule for sizing the zoom window and lens. Specify an HTML attribute in the page image to be used as text for the caption. Use of special characters or spaces in paths to images is not recommended. Specify a function to call when an error occurs.

Initial magnification multiplier of small image size, do not put quotes around numbers. Minimum allowable magnification multiplier of small image size. Maximum allowable magnification multiplier of small image size.

Lazy load the zoom image. Use to disable zoom. Use to disable zoom if page size less than or equal to specified value. Turns gallery fade effect on or off. Number of milliseconds to delay changing of images when using galleryEvent:’mouseover’. Specifies the amount of time milliseconds that user must mouse-hover to trigger zoom.

If the page size becomes less than or equal to the specified width pixels Cloud Zoom will work in ‘inside’ mode. Konstantin, As far as I understand you want to leave the attribute rel empty for other purposes. Post a new comment Cancel Your Name Email. Your message. BelVG Newsletter. Subscribe to our mailing list and get interesting stuff and updates to your email inbox.

Already subscribed. The width of the zoom window in pixels. If it is missing, the width will be the same as the small image. The height of the zoom window in pixels. If it is missing, the height will be the same as the small image.

Specifies the position of the zoom window relative to the small image. Specifies a tint color which will cover the small image. Colors should be specified in hex format, e. Effects with Blur Effect. Tint Opacity. Default value 0. Where 0 is fully transparent, and 1 is fully opaque. Applies a subtle blur effect to the small image.

Set to true or false. Effects with Tint Effect.



10 Best Image Zoom jQuery & Vanilla JavaScript Plugins ( Update) | jQuery Script

The wrapper div styles are moved to the css file; The wrapper div has no longer an id, but a css class name instead (cloud-zoom-wrap) Destroy the instance. This can be useful if you want to click through a gallery, and swap out the zoom image. Installation Download file from your WooCommerce account. Go to: WordPress Admin > Plugins > Add New and Upload Plugin with the file you downloaded with Choose File. Install Now and Activate the extension. Setup and Configuration Enable / Disable Professor Cloud to Enable and then hit save, Image Zoom will now be working for [ ]. Jun 02,  · Download the module into your modules folder. Download Cloud Zoom 1.x (currently, 2.x is not supported). You can get the release for free, using this link. Expand the ZIP into the “cloud-zoom” subfolder within the module. cloud – zoom min. js cloud – zoom. css Head onto your site and enable the ted Reading Time: 3 mins.